Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Seven Pounds

After the heart breaking movie “the pursuit of happiness", it carry on with movie called “Seven Pounds" directed by Gabriele Muccino. Will Smith stars as a man called “Ben Thomas” who sets out to change the lives of seven strangers. After a fatal crash that killed his fiancée and six people in a van, he does embark on an journey to redeem himself to change the lives of seven strangers who are Emily Posa, Ezra, Turner, Holly, George, Nicolas, Connie. He wanted to commit suicide but he wanted to make some redemption to help these ppl before he died. He donates not only his money and houses, but also his parts of his body.



Emily Posa


Ezra Turner


His brother

Part of lung


Right half of liver




Bone Marrow



This is a very good movie and I’m totally absorbed towards it, it is very touching when he donates his eyes and heart before his suicide. Enjoy this movie!

This is the scene where he's making his last phone call after his suicide.

He's trying to help Emily(girl in the pic) and keep her company, at last he fall in love with her
somehow he sacrificed himself to donates his heart to her~

1 comment:

aLeX said... la something about your life...always about movies.. sigh *shake head*